You will need
Rice Krispies
Rusty stove
Glass bowl
Baking cup things!
Toppings (In this case a small Easter egg)
Before getting started its best to clear off a workspace so you don’t get chocolate everywhere, if you don’t mind about getting messy or enjoy licking chocolate off the floor. Go for it.
Step 1
Fill up your kettle and put it to boil, whist the waters boiling break up your chocolate into chunks and put it into the bowl, you don’t need very much.
Step 2
Now that your kettle has boiled, turn on the stove and carefully pour the water into your pot. Then put the bowl with the chocolate in on top of the pot.
You could use a microwave to melt the chocolate but usually you get some melted and some burnt, so I recommend doing it this way.
Step 3
Start to stir your chocolate with the stove on a medium heat; you’ll start to see it melting. KEEP STIRRING!
Step 4
Once your chocolate is fully melted it’s time to turn the stove off and take your bowl onto your worktop, then you’ll have to quickly pour some rice Krispies onto the melted chocolate and start stirring. Use less if you want a sweeter snack or more for a less chocolate taste.
Stir until you have a uniform colour of that lovely melted chocolate colour, mmmmm.
Step 5
Get carried away and eat loads of your mixture warm and melted as it is. Once you’ve done that, scoop the remaining mixture into the Baking cups.
Step 6
Add your favourite topping, chocolate sprinkles or anything you can think of. Or pointlessly shove a chocolate egg on top.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully melted chocolate and mixed some cereal in it. You should be a chef. (If you are a chef, I knew you could do it.)
WARNING: Some things described on this site are potentially dangerous/illegal. The writers of this site assume no responsibility for the consequences that may result from attempting the activities described here.
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That looks so incredibly delicious.